Why collect stamps?

When you hold a stamp in your hand you’re looking at a piece of fine art and design as well as an example of the very best printing. It's a geography lesson, a history lesson, and a moment in time. Every stamp is a mystery. There's the story told by the stamp itself and then the unknown story; who has handled it before you, what journey has it been on, who owned it, and what message were they conveying and to who? 

I used to collect stamps as a kid, then I forgot all about it for about 50 years, until one sleepless night when the hobby returned to me. Turbocharged by the internet it has turned into a conduit for desktop travel and discovering the world. With stamps, I can find all the things that make me happy. That means stamps from faraway places. Where I can imagine how different the world was when they were used. When African plains and coral reefs were teeming with life before the coming onslaught from man.  They’re a connection to a different world, one that gives me great joy just thinking about it. A simple thing to do in complicated times. This is a gentle hobby that costs little and has a low environmental impact. You're buying from small independent shops and enthusiasts who take great care in delivering your stamps.